Gonzàlez De La Rubia
Composer, orchestra director and music instructor in Barcelona and Bratislava, Slovakia. Has been the director of the Municipal School of Music of Torroella de Montgrí and professor of harmony in Superior Music Conservatory of Liceu. Has published some 300 articles related to music history and esthetics. Has received many grants and competition prizes in composition. (Enric Morera of Barcelona for Symphonic Orchestra, Joaquim Maideu of Vic for Symphonic Orchestra, Parramon Foundation of Barcelona for specialties in Piano, Agustí Pedro and Pons Central Barcelona University in Musicology, Extremeña Foundation of Corales in Choral Composition, Green Concerts Prize 2008 for String Orchestra, Prize Amadeus in Choral Composition 2010, First Prize at Masnou Choral Music 2016 in the category of white voices ),Third Prize in the International Composition Contest for American Guitar 2018 (Venezuela, 2018).Has served as lector in many Spanish and European seminars.
Accomplished his studies in orchestral direction at the Municipal Music Conservatory of Barcelona with high marks. His directorial career began with the Nicolau Orchestra at the Municipal Conservatory of Barcelona with the youth Sants-Monjüic Symphonic Orchestra and the Estela Symphonic Orchestra. Together they offered many concerts with a performance repertoire of classic and romantic pieces.
Also, he was a tenured member of the Sitges Group-94 where he specialized in a repertoire of modern piece and where he performed a number of works by contemporary composers. Some of the performances were recorded by RNE. The television channel for Argentinan culture, CANAL A (throughout South America), recorded a DVD of the concerts. With the Sitges Group-94 he did a concert at the International Music and Dance Festival in Granada and he completed his first CD.
Since 2001 is the director and founder of the DIAPAON Ensemble with which he has performed many recitals based on his own music compositions or on the works of other contemporaries that have dedicated work to the group. With DIAPASON he has traveled and performed in the following:
Festivals in Tomsk, Russia
Pulso and Púa Festival, Spain
International Contemporary Music Festival in Havana, Cuba
AVUIMUSIC series in Barcelona, Spain
Vilaseca Festival in Tarragona, Spain,
Contemporary Music Week in Girona, Spain
LEM Festival for new music in Barcelona, Spain
Festival of Classics at the Caixa in Madrid, Spain
Contemporary Music Festival of Int’l Talent 2006 in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Seoul, South Korea
Rosario University, Argentina
Festival organized by the Asociación Extremeña de Compositores
Columbian-Catalan Week in Bogotá, Columbia
Santa Cecilia Academy in Rome, Italy
A Tempo Festival in Caracas, Venezuela
Conventi dei Frati Minori in Bergamo, Italia
Festival in Spoletto, Italy
Spring Festival 2008 of the Prague Philharmonic, Czech Republic
Nation Auditorium in Madrid
Festival in Peralada, Spain
Vostell Museum in Malpartida-Cáceres, Spain. Festival Ibérico de Badajoz (2012).
Latin Music Festival of Chicago (EEUU) October 2015
Testival Tres Cantos de Madrid, Temporada FAIC, Temporada ACEX etc
As well as a number of vierse locations in Belgium, United States, Germany, etc.
He has also directed the Municipal Band of Barcelona on numerous occasions as well as the Geminiani Chamber Orchestra, among others. He was director of the Barcelona XXI program by the Barcelona Culture Institute where he directed a municipal band through a selection of pieces from the past century and recent composers. In June 2006 he showcased Staeliana for the string orchestra at the Pedrera in Barcelona. This work was created for the Caixa Foundation of Catalunya and dedicated to the work of French paintor of Russian origin, Nicholas
Stäel. In 2007 he created an Instrumental Group of the Association of Catalan Composers with a panel of 12 musicians that did a presentation in the Auditorium of Barcelona.
He has written a long essay about religious music titled 'La Música Religiosa a Catalunya en el segle XX' about that which appeared in Catalunya in the twentieth century. (ed. Bolieau) His participation has been requested on several occasions for various radio and television stations. In August of 2007 he was invited by the Spanish Embassy in Seoul, South Korea to do a show in the South Korean capital city. He was lead consul in a committee for the strategic cultural plan of the city of Barcelona in 2006. As a composer, his works have been heard and performed across the country and throughout much of Europe in festivals and private performances. He has collaborated with several radio and television personalities and has been invited regularly to offer seminars and classes within his fields of expertise. His works continued to be performed by prestigious musicians and collaborations. His works are edited by Boileau, La Mano de Guido, Periferia, Instituto Extremeño de Dirección Coral, Editorial Extremeña de Corales and Casa Beethoven.
Today, he is president of the Association for Catalan Composers where is his currently serving his second four-year term, first elected in 2004. He is a member of the Meyerbeer FansClub in the United States, the Study Center for S. Thalberg in Italy, and the Contemporary Music Foundation in Barcelona. The National Symphonic Orchestra of Ukraine, directed by Thomas Sanderling, showcased his first symphony, Sinfonia Barcelona, at the International Festival in Torroella de Mongrí on the 18th of August, 2008. This work will appear on the next CD.Since 2010 he is President of the FAIC (Iberian Federation of Composers).In 2012 participated as guest composer and conductor at the International Festival Eduard Denisov Tomsk (Russia). In January 2014 a proposal from the Extremadura Symphony Orchestra received a commission from the Foundation Author / AEOS to write a symphonic work that premiered during the 2015 season. In April 2014 he gave concerts in Kazan (public auditorium) and Moscow (University of foreign languages), invited by the Union of Composers of Russia and the Republic of Tatarstan.In 2017 he was named Honorary Member of the Catalan Academy of Music.In November of 2018 he was invited by the National University of Colombia to give master classes in Composition and orchestra conducting.In 2022 she received one of the Barcelona Crea Scholarships awarded by the Barcelona City Council for her interdisciplinary proposal Esperit de Dones for string quartet, actress, soprano, video and stage.