Ferrer Busquets
He was born in Barcelona (Spain) at 1958. From 1991 he is living at Terrassa city. He began to study music at the age of twelve at the Conservatori Superior de Música del Liceu (Barcelona); and after, he spend four years at Centre d’Estudis Musicals de Barcelona where received piano lessons from Joan Rubinat, Albert Romaní and Angel Soler; and harmony, counterpoint, musical forms, etc., from Juan-José Olives. Once finished, he received piano classes from Albert Ateneille, and composition from Josep Soler during two years.
From 1980 to 1985 he taught music theory, harmony and musical forms at the Escola Municipal de Música de Tàrrega. Presently he has some composition pupils.
At 2001 he has set up a sextet group named TACTUM (vl., vla., vc., cl., fl., and pn.). He conducts this chamber group specialized in playing xx-xxi century music, doing concert at Barcelona, Madrid as others principals Spanish cities.
From 2003, he has become Montserrat Alavedra Chamber Music Competition’s director.
He take part at CD recordings as Artistic Producer / Recording engineer with symphonic orchestras (Orquestra Simfònica del Vallès, Orquesta Sinfónica de Córdoba,etc) as chamber groups, soloist, choirs, etc.
This November has been invited by 'Rosario University' and 'Centro de Difusión de la Música Contemporanea' (Rosario-Argentina) to give two conferences and one seminar about contemporary music and composition. Also has took place a concert when has been played two composer’s orchestral works (one of them a release), conducted by himself.
Some works and releases:
• Magic nights (1982) for viola and piano. First performance at a public concert at Music School Concert Hall, Tàrrega (1983).
• Les anelles dels anys (1994) for soprano, mezzo and piano (lyrics from Àlex Susanna). First performance at 'Auditori Centre Cultural Sant Cugat' (1995).
• Divertimento for string orchestra (1995). First performance at Olomouc Concert Hall (Czech Republic) during International Festival of New Music for Orchestra (1997).
• Gènesi (1992) for great organ. First performance into the International Maó Organ Festival (1998, Menorca).
• 6-gener (1995-96) for great organ. First performance during XIX International Composers Meeting (1998, Mallorca)
• Pentesilea (1996-98), a chamber opera after Pentesilea’s Heinrich von Kleist (Libretto, Feliu Formosa). First performance at 'Teatre Lliure' (2000, Barcelona).
• Amb la ginesta (1999) for mixed choir and symphonic orchestra. Lyrics from Feliu Formosa. First performance at 'Palau de la Música Catalana' (2000, Barcelona).
• Cant del temps primer (1999-2000) for soprano, mixed choir, harp and string quartet. Lyrics from Antoni Perarnau. First performance at 'Sala d’Actes d’Amics de les Arts i Joventuts Musicals' (2001, Terrassa).
• Natura and Programa d’actes (1996) two songs for soloist and chamber orchestra. Lyrics from Àlex Susanna. First performance at 'Salon Auditorio de la Africana'(2001, Rosario city, Argentina).
• Walk (2000) for chamber orchestra. First performance at 'Salón Auditorio de la Africana' (2002, Rosario city, Argentina)
• Oval (2001) for soprano, flute, violin, viola, violoncello, percussion and piano. First performance at 'Centre de Cultura Contemporània' (2002,Barcelona).
• Els contes de Sade – The Sade’s tales (2001) a chamber opera after Pau Guix libretto. Into the 'Festival d’Òpera de Butxaca' of Barcelona – Teatre Malic (2002, Barcelona).
• Passió de Jesucrist, l’etern vivent (2001-02). This work is a Christ Passion for two vocal soloist, mixed choir and orchestra. First performance took place at 'Centre Cultural Caixa Terrassa' Auditorium (2003, Terrassa)
• Crescendi per a banda (2nd version, 2002) for band. First performance, at 'l’Espai de Música i Dansa' (2003, Barcelona)
• Llacada (2000) for flute, viola and guitar. First performance at 'Roser Church' (2004, Igualada).
• Psalmus (2003) music for a spectacle where one can find two dancing girls; a chamber mixed choir; vl., vla., vc., fl., cl., pn. and percussion (drums, typicall 'bongo' from Venezuela, and Steel Drum). First performance took place at Teatre Municipal Alegria (2004, Terrassa).
• Plures (2004) for chamber orchestra. First performance at Centro Cutltural Bernardino Rivadavia, Rosario, Argentina)
• El dubte de Leonora (2006). Chamber opera after a libretto from Bernat Puigtobella, eight players, four soloist and a mixed chamber choir.