Born in Barcelona in 1948, he studied in the C.S.M.M.B. and obtained degrees in piano, vocal instruction, composition, and orchestral direction and later receiving esthetic of internationally reputed composers. He has assisted in diverse courses related to new educational concepts. Moreover, he has published a method on basic techniques of musical language and is frequently invited to give courses and seminars regarding musical education and creativity. He has been a professor of the C.M.M.B. since 1975 and in 1980 without competition obtained a chair at his position, becoming a University Professor of Musical Analysis and Creativity. As a composer he has received numerous awards including: ¨Premi Ciutat de Barcelona 1975', ¨Premi Internacional Pau Casals 1976', ¨Premi Extraordinari Fundació Francesc Basil 1981', ¨Premi Ferran Sors de la Generalitat de Catalunya i Diputació de Barcelona 1985' and ¨Premi S.G.A.E. 1986 and 1987.' In addition, he has written for diverse scopes of musical expression and his works (of estetic independence) have been interpreted internationally. He has dedicated special attention to vocal works, being the author of the first tenor and orchestra piece (released on 12-3-1999 by the O.B.C.). Also, he is active in myriad juries of contests in composition and interpretation and is a member of the Official School of Doctors and Lawyers in Philosophy and Letters and Sciences of Catalonia. A great portion of his repertiore has been edited and recorded for the radio, television, and on CD.