Fusté Miret
- I began to study music at the age of 7 under the instruction of my father, who was a professional musician. At age 9, i joined the Liceo Conservatory and received instruction from maestros, Valls, Benejam, Bosoms y Pedro Vallribera, among others. The last of which, Pedro Vallribera, I received a degree in piano from at age 19. I later studied harmony with the grand maestro, Cristóbal Taltabull, and counterpoint with maestros Poch y Oltra.
- At age 13, i first directed the Germanor Barcelonina choir in a recital held in the Plaza de la Llana de Barcelona.
- From ages 14 to 20 I directed the Floresta de Sants choir where I earned an award, the Barretina de Broce, in the Teatre Grec (Greek Theater) of Barcelona, where the best choirs of a Catalonia perform. Also, I received the second place prize in the St. Jaume Plaza competition. In celebration of the Floresta choir’s 100th anniversary, I had to direct a combined group of choir singers from all over Catalonia. Unfortunately, I had to discontinue this direction due to commitments to the military service.
- I was a member of the Orquesta de Cámara de Acordeones de Cataluña (OCAB) directed by the professor, Pepita Sellés.
- I was founder of the musical coalition, Lone Star, with which I began my musical career, recording my first CD, La Voz de su Amo. Afterwards, always being a pianist at heart, I performed with several groups, one of which performed a tour through Sweden and Denmark. When I returned, I founded the group, Los Crony, which performed many of my own compositions, one of which was chosen to be recorded for the DIM CD.
- During this period, I directed the youth choir of La Chiquillada, which earned an award on Televisión Española with one of my compositions.
- In 1974 I left music performance to be a commercial director for a company called, Novo Música (New Music), dedicated to promoting all sorts of music events, performances, recitals, etc so that young musicians could have the opportunity to perform in public.
- In 1980, I settled down by owning and running my own music stores that today are run by my two sons.
- In 1996, I began more work on piano compositions as well as other instrumentations, in the classic style. One of these compositions was performed in the Barcelona Auditorium. Also, a piece called Cicle Vital (Vital Circle) that contains three parts for the piano was performed on COM RADIO. The three parts for the piano, ELUCUBRACIONS, RETALLS and ANGOIXA (the latter was the one performed in the Auditorium) were edited by Ediciones Clivis. Later, an editor named Boileau worked on Cicle Vital and another piece for the flute, cello, and piano called Riu Avall.
- I have composed a large variety or works, some for the full orchestra.
- Today I am a member of the Association of Catalan Composers.