Villalonga Juan
Born in Ibiza, he studies harmony with Raymond Andres, and piano with Vera Sykora at the same time. Finished Middle Grade at Music Conservatory of Balearic islands, he studied fugue and composition at Municipal Music Conservatory of Barcelona with Angels Rexach and Xavier Boliart, and obtains the graduation in musical lenguage, composition, coral direction, orchestral direction and pedagogy.
At the same time, he studied with Albert Guinovart, Albert Sardà, Joan Albert Amargós, Lluís Vergès, film-scoring in Granada, radio-production with José Iges and several directions courses with Luís San Jaime and Rafael Sanz Espert, later.
As a player, he has played severals concerts in Balearic islands and Barcelona, organ concerts with Spanish music, and differents productions for video. Currently is composition professor at Conservatorio Profesional of Ibiza, and conductor of the symphonic band.
He has composed works for orchestra, choirs, chamber and solo music, works for wind bands, an modern opera about AIDS, and differents arrangements for modern groups.