Josep Maria
Pladevall Fontanet
Josep Maria Pladevall Fontanet was born in Sabadell in 1956. He initiated his music studies with G. Peig and I. Izard and continued in the Superior Municipal Conservatory of Music in Barcelona where he took classes in harmony, counterpoint, fugue, composition and instrumentation under con J. Poch, M. Oltra, J. Solé and C. Guinovart. He has completed all courses that correspond with a degree in the piccolo flute und R. Escalas and M. Miessen. He has sung in the Madrigal Cor under the direction of M. Cabero and the Belles Arts Choir of Sabadell. With the groups of Quartet of bec Frullato and Bec a Quatre, he completed work on the music on the twentieth century, written especially for four piccolo flutes. He has won an award in the second Yamaha Competition in Spain and registered for RNE and TVE. Since 1975, he has accompanied N. Candela in his recitals of contemporary Catalonian poetry. He has also composed several montages.
In 1985, at the Composition Exhibition of Vallès organized by the municipal government of Sabadell, a work, Obertura, for a quartet and piano was released by the group Bartók under the direction of J. Olvies. He won awards at the First Annual Youth Composers Competition by the Institute of Catalonian Services for the Youth with his works, Tres Nadals, a piece for four piccolo flutes and, Passera sobe el Mar, a poem by T. Garcés, composed for mixed choir and recorded under the direction of M. Cabero. He won first prize at the Sixth Youth Composers Competition in Barcelona for the work, Cinc Cançons de la Lluna al Barret, composed to the poems of M. Desclot. Finally, he has published Scherzzo, performed by the Quartet of bec Frullato and the Chords Trio, whom performed it in Paris.
In 1995, he published a collection of songs, Al Món, to the poems of Verdaguer, performed by J. Cabero, tenor, and J. Rubinat, piano. It was contracted by the Verdaguer Society to commemorate the 150 anniversary of his birth.
He has also published a sollioquey for the violoncello in the editorial, La Má de Guido. He has been selected to record his work, Cadéncia, for the solo violoncello and accompaniment of ten intruments at the London Symphonica, under the direction of E. Colomet. Today, he is professor of the Professional Municipal Conservatory of Music in Sabadell.